March 25, 2009

Bannister at 80

Last Sunday's Daily Telegraph (UK) had a nice feature on Roger Bannister, the most famous neurologist in the world. Bannister turned 80 on Monday, and the Telegraph describes how he runs ("shuffles", he says) twice a week in shoes made from tires, lifts weights, and keeps himself occupied with intellectual pursuits.

They also speculate that he might be chosen to light the torch at the 2012 Olympic Games in London (have you bought your tickets yet?).

Roger Bannister: 80 years old but still plenty left in the tank

By the way, John Landy, the second man to run sub 4:00 for the mile and the man whose name will be forever linked with Bannister's, is also keeping busy. Although he won't turn 80 for another year, Landy is still running and still very active in public life. In the wake of the terrible fires in Australia, Landy was appointed chair of an advisory panel responsible for getting money to the families of victims of the fires.

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