July 29, 2010

New NNHS Track Open For Business

On Tuesday evening, Noah Jampol (who always seems to know things before anyone else) ran a track workout. What made this one a little special was that he ran it on the new Newton North H.S. track, a brand-new six-lane mondo track that sits serenely between the new and the old Newton North high schools.

On Wednesday, our NSRP group planned our run to include a lap of the new track so we could see the new facility for ourselves. It's pretty sweet. And having run exactly one lap on it, it seems very fast.

The track is oriented North-South and is narrower than the old track. As Noah commented, the straights are almost a full 100 meters, which should result in some dramatic come-from-behind charges in the final 10-20 meters. There are low aluminum bleachers on the East side of the track -- much less dramatic than the stands of the old stadium. No one will be running stadium steps there, that's for sure.

The track seems very sheltered from the wind right now, but that could change once the old school comes down. For now, it feels like the track is well protected, but we'll see.

I wonder whether Noah's was the first real workout on the new track. probably not, but if he wants to make a claim, I won't dispute it. It leads one to think about all the other "firsts" that we'll hear about: first runner to win a race on the new track, first school record... Thinking of teams and athletes past, we also found ourselves wondering who would be the first athlete to lose their lunch during or after a particularly brutal workout.


Tom said...

Jess is most likely the first person to have done a workout on the new track as she did one about 6 weeks ago. And the track is definitely top-notch; I've done 3 workouts there over the past few weeks and I don't think I've ever run on a better surface.

Old Blue Eyes said...

Hopefully we can come with a relay team that's willing to lose a few lunches.

seeherman said...

Just don't mention to Coach Tranchita about the failure to put in 8 lanes despite having the freedom to do so.

Anonymous said...

I saw Isaiah Penn and Ben Clark running sprints on the track before it was finished in june