February 13, 2006


The first major snowstorm of 2006 turned into a day for improvising a workout. What did you do on Sunday?

I ran at 6 in the morning -- the plows were out in force, but there were no other cars so I could pretty much ran wherever I liked. It was actually better to run in the shallow snow where the plows hadn't done their work yet. As you might imagine, it was a very slow, even relaxing run.

My friend Terry grabbed his skis and enjoyed skiing something more interesting than multiple 1K lops at Weston. He ran a few miles later in the day at Babson College where the roads were plowed and mostly traffic free.

On snowy days many people head for the treadmills at the Y or at their local health club. That's a perfectly good option if you don't actually enjoy the adventure of taking to the streets in a blizzard and having a kind of random snow experience rather than a controlled run.

On Dyestat, the Weymouth boys coach was recommending doing an indoors workout of strength work or calisthenics and getting off the roads - not a bad idea, but a bit tame!

So what did you do? Did anybody run in a parking gararge? Go snowshoeing? Do stairs in an office building? Sneak into an indoor track and get an interval workout in? Did you walk around your neighborhood shoveling out the driveways of your village elders? Let's hear your stories!


Anonymous said...

ten miles around an indoor track singing to cascada and falloutboy on the radio

Anonymous said...

5 driveway loops= 7 miles
- Charlie Krasnow

Anonymous said...

It was another three miles to get out of your house to your driveway though so that's a 10 mile day...

Anonymous said...
