February 05, 2008

Training Files: Age and Intensity

According to an interesting article in the NY Times, the most effective way to slow the inevitable age-related decline in performance in sports like running is to cut back the volume, if you must, but maintain the intensity of your workouts.

Staying a Step Ahead of Aging

The key, according to the Times is to do the right kind of workouts and to do them consistently. The right kind of workouts means workouts that are intense -- interval workouts, for example. It might be difficult to maintain the high volume as you age, but you can preserve more of your ability by maintaining the discipline of including intense workouts in your regular training plan.

The other key, not mentioned in the article, is to avoid serious injury, which reduces both volume and quality. Obviously, running an intense workout and getting hurt is the worst strategy of all.


Anonymous said...

You should do intervals with the boys team from now on...

Jon Waldron said...

Been there...