October 25, 2007

This Ain't Easy

I've often wondered why it is so hard to depict the heartbreaking effort of long-distance training in moving pictures. One problem, is that not much happens -- except inside the mind of the runner undergoing the suffering. Except for a certain blankness in the face, a brief grimace, there's not much to watch.

So I was really interested to see this video from "Chasing Kimbia" that tries to get across the point that training isn't easy, and that the Kenyan runners we see winning races work really, really hard to be able to do that.

It takes a long time to load, but it's worth it.

This ain't easy - the video


glue548 said...

that was a great video.

thank you

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the Concord Academy Chameleons on their wins yesterday.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy chasingKIMBIA alot, does chasingGlory have anything to do with KIMBIA or is it completed unrelated?

Anonymous said...

Hi Jon - I was happy to see your post about my video. I'm sure you don't know this, but we're neighbors; I live down the street on Lowell Ave and see your team running by all the time. And until they tore it up, I used your track regularly. I should stop by one day and introduce myself.

@anonymous: Yes, chasingGLORY and chasingKIMBIA are related. I do kimbia on my own, but did chasingGLORY with Toni Reavis, who does TV commentary at most of the major road races (including NY and Boston marathons). He writes the stories and I produce the videos.

Jon - Good luck to your team this year.

Matt Taylor

Jon Waldron said...

Hi Matt, thanks so much for the note!

I am old enough to remember when Toni Reavis had a weekly radio show about running on WNTN in Newton.

If you ever see me running down Lowell Street, stop me and introduce yourself!

Anonymous said...

Will do Jon. Just saw the girls run by...