December 14, 2007

What Was your Workout Yesterday?

It snowed 10 inches in Boston. What did you do for a run? Did you run in the snow, do a track workout indoors, run through the halls of your school sprinting up the stairs, do push-ups and sit-ups at home?

I'll start: I ran 35 minutes in the parking garage here at work, waiting for the massive traffic jams on 128 to clear. It wasn't too bad, although I got some strange looks.

So what did you do?


Anonymous said...

I did six miles on the treadmill, listened to NPR, and watched the traffic on the pike out the window until the window fogged up.

Anonymous said...

I ran indoors at the track. Not aother soul there the whole time...what a luxury. then I shoveled....just desserts I guess

Anonymous said...

I started running when it started snowing. An hour later, I was running in an inch or two of snow, a little chilly in my shorts and short sleeves.

Unknown said...

Out here in rochester, NY, I went for my run after about 2 inches had fallen. To no avail I tried to track the mystery man whose footsteps were in the snow on the sidewalk I was running on....I could have sworn based on the tread of the shoes and stridelength of the runner that it was my friend nick, but he claimed to have run earlier that day. I had a sweet icicle hanging from my beard by the time I finished.

Anonymous said...

I relaxed with friends and hot chocolate by the fireplace

seeherman said...

utilized some alumni privileges at Northeastern . . . 50 minute fartlek on the 1/12 mile track plus a full lift. Nice view of Huntington Ave - traffic never moved an inch in the time I was there !

I have this bad feeling I may have to do a repeat performance tomorrow . .