January 11, 2010

Why Wind Chill Numbers Are Confusing

I had a very nice 14-mile run with friends on Sunday morning. Cold, but clear roads, little wind, no rain or snow, and a nice bright sun.

Speaking of wind, an article in Slate.com (originally from 2007, but recently reposted) makes the case that we should stop paying attention to wind chill factors as a measure of how cold we feel. As the article says, "If the weather makes headlines only when it's horrendous out, wind chill is its PR agent."

You can read the article here:

Wind Chill Blows

"Rather than trying to patch up wind chill's inconsistencies, we should just dump it altogether. The best algorithm we'll ever have for determining how cold it feels comes from our own experience."

1 comment:

Old Blue Eyes said...

I've always felt wind chill was baloney. The temperature is the temperature is the temperature.